Hanlon has served with honor and has respect of her peers

Posted 30 October 2020 at 7:52 am


I am writing this in letter to highlight one of the candidates for Orleans County Clerk, Nadine Hanlon.

As this election season has unfolded and I had the unique opportunity to hear each candidate in the race for county clerk give their “sales pitch.” In my opinion Nadine is the most prepared for the position and is poised to make it a more efficient and effective office. She was the only candidate to share a vision to improve access to services and take the office to the next level.

I encourage voters to check out the resume Nadine has built over her career – it’s quite impressive. In brief, she has an education beyond a Bachelor’s degree, she has served in many volunteer roles, and has held countless leadership positions.

Nadine is certainly not the “Know Nothing” her opponent’s mailer would lead you to believe. Only desperate and inferior politicians with contemptible campaign managers distribute such repugnant propaganda.

Nadine has run her campaign absent a campaign manager and absent negativity. The fact that a county clerk candidate would even need a campaign manager calls into question the candidate’s long-term suitability for the job. Nadine is truly an honorable person who has let her achievements, abilities, and leadership experience stand up on their own.

While both candidates have been Orleans County employees for a significant amount of time, only Nadine was named “Employee of the Year” by her peers… Your choice for county clerk really is a simple decision to make.

Chris Caufield
