Despite years of complaints about Parkway, little progress with repairs

Posted 2 September 2015 at 12:00 am


The Lake Ontario State Parkway is talked about a lot in Orleans County and its surrounding areas. It is talked about here (the Hub) in features and letters to the editor. It was recently featured in a segment by Rochester’s NBC affiliate. But more importantly it is talked about in person by those of us who use it. And we’re frustrated.

The overriding consensus: it is a great road and a great resource but it is in terrible, terrible disrepair. Assemblyman Hawley recently acknowledged this and went on to agree that we deserve better but no one, including him, has done anything to address what, if anything, is ACTUALLY being done or going to be done.

I personally bent two rims traveling on the Parkway this winter. I had to replace them both and put new tires on them as well. Anything larger than a car is thrown about so violently that it would be impossible for me to imagine towing down that road. I know people do it, I have seen them, but I can’t imagine that they do it more than once. Of course our county and community is suffering when this is the image that we present of ourselves.

I had to laugh at Mr. Lauricella’s recent comments about the road resembling a scene out of an apocalyptic show. If they are not going to fix it, why don’t we try to lure The Walking Dead into filming here? That could be Orleans County’s new tourism push: come see what the apocalypse will look like.

I’d like answers but considering this is essentially the same letter I wrote years ago I am guessing we will continue to go without them.

Robert Shaw