Conservative Party wants Skelos to step down as NY Senate leader
The Orleans County Conservative Party would like to go on the record joining the many legislators and committee people calling for Senator Dean Skelos to step down from the leadership of the Senate Republicans.
Mr. Skelos pushed through the NY Safe Act in the middle of the night voting with a majority of Democrats to impose this unconstitutional law.
Mr. Skelos is a R.I.N.O. (Republican In Name Only) and does not represent the principles of the party and of the voters that he represents. His corruption has finally caught up with him and will be a distraction – a dark cloud over doing the business of the people.
We also do not want to see Sen. John Flanagan of Long Island as a replacement to Mr. Skelos as he is another R.I.N.O. that usurps the constitution and the rights of every New Yorker.
Paul Lauricella Jr.
Mr. Lauricella is vice chairman of the Orleans County Conservative Party.