Repaving starts on 10 miles of 31A, between 98 and 63
The State Department of Transportation announced that repaving along 10 miles of Route 31A will begin this week.
The $1.9 million project includes Route 31A from Route 98 to Route 63. The project is funded through the state’s PAVE NY Initiative.
The resurfacing work is expecting to last until mid-August. During this time, two-way traffic will be maintained using alternating single-lane closures. Motorists may encounter short delays and are encouraged to seek an alternate route.
All construction activities are weather dependent and subject to change.
Motorists are urged to slow down and drive responsibly in work zones. Fines are doubled for speeding in a work zone. Convictions of two or more speeding violations in a work zone could result in the suspension of an individual’s driver license.