Menagerie of animals spend day at Medina High School

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 17 April 2015 at 12:00 am

FFA concludes Agriculture Appreciation Week with lots of creatures

Photos by Tom Rivers
MEDINA – Michael Carson, a member of the Medina FFA, holds a baby duck inside the FFA classroom today. The duck is among a big collection of animals on dispaly for animal appreciation day, the conclusion of a week of activities for Agriculture Appreciation Week in the school.

Emma Watson, left, and Abby Jones hold Simone, a Great Dane ownedby the Schmidt family in Medina.

More than 1,000 students are streaming through the FFA classrooms and shop today, seeing all kinds of animals, from tiny quail and baby ducks to a horse and a llama.

There are also bearded dragons, dogs, hamsters, a tortoise, snapping turtle and many other animals.

Students take a look at two sheep brought to the high school today.

Katie Baron, a junior at Medina, is pictured with her horse, Lily.

Cattrianna Hernandez, a Medina junior, shows off a very active Chinese Dwarf Hamster.

The classroom shows baby ducks, poultry and many other animals.

Mason Eick, 7, gives his dog Buddy a break from the crowds of people. Mason’s father, Todd Eick, is FFA advisor and agriculture teacher.