Medina community will pick guest conductor for marching band
File photo – The Medina Mustang Marching Band, pictured during last year’s Memorial Day parade, will have a guest conductor for Memorial Day this year.
MEDINA – The Medina Marching Band will be led by a guest conductor at next month’s Memorial Day parade.
Five people are in the running for a chance to lead the band. The community can vote for one of the five by buying ballots for $1 each. The candidate with the most votes gets to conduct the band.
The Albion Marching Band had a guest conductor last year with the Rev. Richard Csizmar, pastor of Holy Family Parish, emerging as the winner. He directed the band following the Strawberry Festival parade with a performance on East Bank Street at the Food Court.
“We heard how successful the Albion band was when they did a guest conductor fundraiser last year,” said Mindy Kenward, chairperson for the guest conductor fundraiser in Medina.
Mustang Band leaders reached out to Mike Thaine, the Albion marching band director, and he gave Medina his blessing to do a similar contest, Kenward said.
The five people on the ballot in Medina include:
Eric Valley, high school football coach
Jeff Evoy, school district superintendent
Mike Dreyfus, a dedicated band booster and fan
Jaye Sullivan, owner of Blissett’s
Kathy Bogan, assistant district attorney
“We approached five people in the community, and they all very graciously agreed to be on our ballot, even though there is very little musical experience in any of their backgrounds, which is the fun of the whole thing,” Kenward said.
Ballots can be purchased at The Book Shoppe, Roberts Farm Market and Rosenkran’s. In addition, band members will be set up at the following locations from 10 a.m. to noon to encourage voting: April 18 at Valu Home Center, May 2 at Roberts Farm Market, and May 9 at Apple Blossom Florist.