Yates residents should have a say at public meetings
The Orleans County Planning Board’s approval process for the MET tower in Yates on Thursday evening was an indicator of the disdain the Town of Yates and the County of Orleans has for its residents.
There were a number of citizens attending this meeting. When the person running the Planning Board meeting asked for a motion from the board to open the meeting to comments from the floor, NOT ONE member of the board would do this. Therefore, no public input was allowed.
At the close of the meeting one particular Yates board member told a resident “If you don’t like it, MOVE!”
Is this the type of government our founding fathers envisioned? Do we now gag the people because we don’t like what they have to say? Do we tell them if they don’t like the way things are run, they should move?
Many of the public attendants are among the highest taxed people in Yates – waterfront residents. Apparently their contribution to the town is considered irrelevant by some Town Board members.
I trust they keep that in mind and lower the property assessments of these irrelevant movable citizens now rather than after they allow the installation of multiple industrial wind turbines within a mile of many of these people’s homes.
What a disgraceful display of contempt by an elected official. In my opinion, refusing to allow the public to speak and insulting one’s constituents should be grounds for immediate resignation from public service.
Susan E. Dudley