Author visits Medina school and promotes mental wellness
Press Release, Medina Central School
MEDINA – Author Sarah Klaiber says her battle with depression inspired her to write her book, Treasures.
“It was about my journey about appreciating the positives in my life and helping to improve my mental wellness with more natural means,” she said.
She recently read her book to students at Medina’s Oak Orchard Elementary. “I want them to know that it is OK to feel blue sometimes and to look to the things in their lives that make them happy, their treasures so to speak. There are so many people, young and old, who suffer from depression and I think it is great that schools are now focusing on that and how to help students cope with these emotions.”
Studies show that one in five young people will experience a mental health challenge each year, with issues like depression and anxiety acting as significant impediments to academic success for students. There is a campaign in many schools to promote mental health understanding and dialogue, and decrease shame, prejudice and point students and parents to available resources like guidance counselors and social workers.
School librarian Molly DeBottis appreciated the message that Klaiber shared with the students. “Her message is so important about happiness and mental health,” DeBottis said. “It is good that we are starting at a younger age discussing this with them.”
The school librarian also is grateful that Klaiber discussed the writing process with the Medina classes.
“It helps them to see the possibilities about being an author and what they are capable of,” DeBottis said.