‘In God We Trust’ will be prominently displayed in county legislative chambers
ALBION – The Orleans County Legislature voted to have the words, “In God We Trust,” be displayed in the new legislative chambers next to the county seal.
“Whereas, the County desires to display this patriotic motto in the Legislative Chambers as a way to solemnize public occasions and express confidence in our society,” the resolution states.
The Legislature has been meeting in the new space since June. The body moved from the County Clerk’s Building at Courthouse Square to an addition on the County Administration Building on Route 31.
The walls in the room are mostly bare right now, except for the large county seal that includes an image of the Courthouse dome.
Photos of the County Legislature, and its predecessor – the County Board of Supervisors – will be added on a side wall in the chambers.
County legislators approved the “In God We Trust” resolution, saying those words have been the national motto since July 30, 1956, adopted about a decade after the end of World War II.
“In God We Trust” also has been used on U.S. currency since 1864, according to the county resolution.
The four words also are engraved above the entrance to the Senate Chamber and the speaker’s dais in the United States House of Representatives.
“Whereas, in both war and peace, these words have been a profound source of strength and guidance to many generations of Americans,” the county resolution states.