Legion in Lyndonville looking to replace trolley car used by veterans for parades
Photo by Tom Rivers: Members of the American Legion in Lyndonville ride on a trailer and wave to the crowd during the Fourth of July parade on July 4, 2015.
LYNDONVILLE – Veterans in Lyndonville are raising money to replace a trolley car used in parades. The current trolley car has become unserviceable, said Steve Goodrich, commander of the American Legion Houseman-Tanner Post 1603 in Lyndonville.
The post will be holding a yard sale on Friday, Aug. 30, and possibly the next day.
“We are raising monies to replace the old trolley car used in local parades,” Goodrich said. “The new one will also be ADA handicapped accessible. It will be much lower and easier for our older veterans to use.”
The trolley car will also have space for wheelchairs and scooters, and a ramp will be included.
The yard sale will be at 11517 Roosevelt Highway in Lyndonville. The Legion welcomes donated items to be sold during this event.
People wanting to donate should call Joseph Hausler at 585-967-2934. The items can be dropped off at the location or the Legion can arrange to pick them up by Aug. 28.