Students at O/N BOCES celebrate signing day
Photos and article courtesy of Orleans/Niagara BOCES
MEDINA – Almost 50 students at the Orleans Career and Technical Education Center shared that they have committed to a job in their field of study or will be attending the military.
The students had a signing celebration on June 7. While many seniors will be heading off to college, many of the students at the Orleans/Niagara BOCES career and technical education centers are heading off to jobs and careers after graduation.
Their teachers and support staff have made sure they are armed with training, internship experiences and industry-based certification to start the next stage of their lives.
Many employers and military representatives came in person to celebrate the seniors in the center’s first ever ceremony.
“It is a great way to express the value in students graduating with career and technical certifications,” said Security and Law Enforcement teacher, Dudley Gilbert. “They deserve to have their hard work recognized and we are very proud of all they have achieved while attending here.”