New electronic sign going up today for Hoag Library

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 6 May 2019 at 11:33 am

Library’s annual meeting also today with voting from noon to 7 p.m.

Photos by Tom Rivers

ALBION – A new sign is being installed today outside Hoag Library by Toth’s Sports. The company worked with the library to design a sign that matches the building which opened in 2012.

The new sign will have electronic messages to promote programs at the library. This will be a Daktronic sign with high resolution and clarity, Toth’s employees said. The sign is about 4 feet high and 7 ½ feet wide.

The sign should be fully in place later this afternoon. The sign is about $60,000 with a state grant and the Friends of the Library paying for most of the expense.

The base resembles brick but is actually a composition with high-density foam that is a tough and rigid material.

Today is the library’s annual meeting at 7 p.m., where library leaders will discuss the budget and programming. There also is an election from noon to 7 p.m. for three library trustees. Linda Weller, Debbie DiBacco and Maurice Taylor are unopposed in the election.

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