66 letters and counting about Parkway

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 15 May 2014 at 12:00 am

ALBION – The letters keep coming in, about five a week since around March 1.

Residents write to state legislators, Orleans County legislators and Carlton town officials, expressing concern about the bridge and road maintenance with the Lake Ontario State Parkway. The county has received 66 so far about the Parkway’s condition.

“Restriction detours, Bridge Closure and Road Maintenance continue on a downward path, which is having a very negative influence on safe and efficient flow of vehicle travel, which is vital to our Orleans County well being,” according to one letter about the Parkway.

County and town officials have urged residents to write to State Sen. George Maziarz and State Assemblyman Steve Hawley about the Parkway.

“LOSP is a very key resource in the North Country of Orleans County supporting our Tourism and Residential travel,” according to a prototype letter sent by several residents.

The County Legislature and several Town Boards have passed formal resolutions requesting the state not divert funds from the NYS Highway and Bridge Trust Fund. Keeping that money for intended purpose would allow the state to better maintain its roads and bridges, the local government leaders have said.