5 completed difficult ‘Murph Challenge’ in Lyndonville

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 26 June 2023 at 1:43 pm

Provided photo

LYNDONVILLE – These five people completed The Murph Challenge on Memorial Day in Lyndonville. They wore 20-pound body armor while doing a 1-mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 air squats, and another mile run for time.

Pictured from left include 14-year-old Austin Fonda of Lyndonville, environmental conservation police officer Shane Dobies, environmental conservation police officer Vern Fonda, State Police investigator Brian Belson and environmental conservation police officer Evan Laczi.

The Village of Lyndonville hosted the challenge for the seventh time. The event is held in memory of Lieutenant Michael P. Murphy, a U.S. Navy Seal killed in combat in Asadabad, Afghanistan on June 28, 2005.

He was 29 when he was killed. LT. Michael Murphy was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor on October 27, 2007. Murphy would push himself with fitness challenges, including the tasks in the “Murph Challenge.”

The challenge is held throughout the country, and has raised more than $2 million for the LT. Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation.