5 Albion students test positive for Covid-19
ALBION – The school district announced this afternoon that five of our Albion students received positive test results for Covid-19 over the weekend.
All five are hybrid learners – two at the high school, one at the middle school and two at the elementary school. Hybrid learners attend in-person two days a week.
Four of the students had not been in school for the week prior to testing positive, the district said in a notice to the community.
“The Health Department determined there is no need to do further contact tracing in the school for those students,” the district said.
Contact tracing regarding the fifth student has been completed. Staff members and parents of any students who were identified as being close contacts have been notified by the Health Department.
“We continue to remind our staff and students the importance of proper handwashing, wearing face masks covering the nose and mouth, physical distancing and limiting group activities, especially where social/physical distancing is difficult,” the district stated in its message to the community. “Please stay home if you are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 or the flu.”