4-H’er says program has many benefits for youth
My name is Aidan Gamet and I have been a member of the 4-H Program in Orleans County for two years and I was a cloverbud exhibitor before that.
I have participated in different activities throughout the years and most of all I have enjoyed getting to know some great kids and volunteers that are always willing to lend a helping hand. I have been a member of the Goat Busters 4-H Club and the Hearts and HoofBeats Horse Club.
I enjoy working with my animals and taking care of them every day to get them ready for the fair. I have made projects and exhibited them in the Trolley Building, showed goats, a rabbit and a variety of chickens. I have volunteered my time helping out during judging and always glad to step in when needed.
I am proud to tell other people that I am a part of the 4-H Program and to share with them all the different types of things that they can learn about. I have done community service projects and planted gardens in memory of my Great Grandma Janice Giltner, who was a 4-H Leader for 43 years. She taught my grandpa, my mom and many other people the joys of making projects and demonstrating their skills for others. My mom says that she inspired them to be their better selves.
My mom, 4-H and the people in our local program have helped me to stand up for myself. They have told me to be proud of who I am. They have also given me the strength to face my fears and bullies at school. I feel safe and able to express my thoughts with others.
This year I shared my poem titled “Bullied” at the County Fair and it received a “Best in Show” Award for a communication exhibit and it was selected to go to State Fair. I was excited to learn that at State Fair my poem received a blue ribbon and a rosette as a “Special Recognition Award.”
I was happy to know that they liked it, and I hope that it will help other people that are being bullied know that they are not alone. I have taken my exhibit to my school for Bullying Awareness and the teachers want to share it with the other students.
I want to thank everyone for what they have taught me, and I will continue to enjoy making projects, many new friends and inspiring others to discover the joys that the Orleans County 4-H Program can hold for them.
Aidan C. Gamet
(Aidan is 10, and a member of Goat Buster 4-H Club)