36 more banners of soldiers going up in Albion
Photo by Tom Rivers
ALBION – Village of Albion DPW workers Charlie Ricci, left, and Ron Ricker install a banner recognizing World War II veteran Karl Kast. They are on South Main Street near the railroad tracks.
The banner is one of 36 new ones that will be added in the next few days on South Main and West Avenue. The DPW needs to add hardware holding the banners on the utility poles.
The DPW in June put on the first group of 33 banners. There was more interest from the community and Mayor Eileen Banker, who is coordinating the effort, was able to order more banners.
She will do another order beginning in February. Family and friends of the veterans are paying the cost for the banners. For more information, send Banker an email at ebanker@villageofalbionny.com.
The banners will go up after the Strawberry Festival in June and remain in place to approximately Veterans’ Day in November.