3 more deaths from Covid-19 reported at Orchard Rehab and Nursing Center
Three more residents of the Orchard Rehabilitation & Nursing Center have died from Covid-19, the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments is reporting today.
Orchard Rehab & Nursing has now had 17 of its residents pass away after contracting the coronavirus. Orleans County has now suffered 48 deaths from Covid-19.
Orleans County doesn’t have any new confirmed cases of Covid-19 to report today. Genesee County has one new case, a person in the 60s from Batavia. Genesee now has had 199 people test positive for Covid-19, while Orleans has had 244.
The new case in Genesee County was not on mandatory quarantine prior to testing positive.
The facility breakdown is only showing the total positive cases from those facilities from where the Health Departments have received a positive swab for Covid-19.
More from the Genesee and Orleans County Health Departments
• Phase 3 reopening: At the earliest Phase 3 may be opened this Friday, June 12, however it will be at the Governor’s discretion.
With that in mind, everyone waiting on Phase 3 should be developing and implementing their Business Safety Plan to the best of your ability and geared toward your organization whether it be a business, house of worship, non-for-profit organization, etc.
You are responsible to have your plan in place prior to opening. You will not be submitting your plan. However it must be on the premises in the event of a state, local or safety inspection. Keep checking the New York Forward website for your industry/organization summary guidelines by clicking here.
• Personal care services and indoor seating at restaurants: Guidance for indoor seating at restaurants and food services establishments and for personal care services for tattoo, piercing facilities, appearance enhancement practitioners, massage therapy, spas, cosmetology, nail specialty, UV and non-UV tanning, or waxing are now posted on the NY Forward website under Phase Three Industries. Remember plans (including that the affirmation guidance has been read) and supplies have to be in place before opening.
According to the Finger Lakes Regional Control Room, personal care services such as nail salons and tanning salons are projected to reopen in Phase III. This means personal care services are prohibited to be operating at this time. Businesses that are not in compliance may be subjected to a financial penalty. If you have questions regarding your business operations, please contact the Finger Lakes Regional Control Room: flnyf@esd.ny.gov.