Medina has two Falconer Tourney champions
Medina had a pair of champions crowned at Falconer’s Patrick J. Morales Memorial Wrestling Tournament today.
Reece Senske won at 116 lb. and Brody Fry at 190 lb. for the Mustangs as both wrestlers went 4-0 on the day.
Senske opened with a pair of pins in 1:27 and 2:36 before scoring a 17-0 technical fall victory in the semifinals. He then scored a 12-0 major decision win in his title bout over Rever Caudill from Eisenhower, Pa.
Fry opened with a quick 30 second pin and then posted a 15-7 major decision win in the quarterfinals and a narrow 6-5 win in the semis. He then edged past Noah Leavell from Hamburg 11-10 in his title bout.
Medina also had Luke Duffina place fifth at 131 lbs. He opened with a pair of quick pins in 59 seconds and 29 seconds and then scored a 15-1 major decision win in the quarterfinals. He dropped into the consolation bracket with a 17-7 loss in the semifinals but rebounded to earn fifth place honors.
Medina will return to Niagara-Orleans League competition at Roy-Hart/Barker on Wednesday at 6 p.m.