2 new county legislators elected with Ed Morgan and John Fitzak

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 2 November 2021 at 10:21 pm

Orleans County voters have elected two new members to the County Legislature.

Ed Morgan, a retired Murray highway superintendent, was elected to fill the spot currently held by John DeFillipps, who didn’t seek re-election.

John Fitzak, a Carlton town councilman, also was elected for a district that includes the towns of Carlton, Kendall and Murray. He will succeed Ken DeRoller who didn’t seek re-election.

Here are the results for county positions:

Orleans County (all unopposed)

  • Kim DeFrank, country treasurer – 4,659
  • Merle (Skip) Draper of Medina for county legislator, at-large west – 4,427
  • Don Allport of Gaines for county legislator, at-large central – 4,338
  • Ed Morgan of Murray for county legislator, at-large east – 4,283
  • Bill Eick of Shelby for District 1 – 1,250
  • Lynne Johnson of Lyndonville for District 2 – 1,625
  • Fred Miller of Albion for District 3 – 439
  • John Fitzak of Carlton for District 4 – 1,308