2 farms in Barre closing property to hunters, snowmobilers after anti-turbine push by sportsmen
This is my response to all members of the Orleans County Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs and those who have signed an anti-wind postcard from Citizens for a Better Barre.
Your privileges have been suspended from using our property for snowmobiling, four-wheeling, or hunting, and I encourage other leaseholders to follow suit. My property has been open for public use my entire life and this was your chance to support me and my decisions in leasing my property for renewable energy.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I feel that many people are blindly opposing this project publicly without doing their own research. Before you mindlessly sign your name on postcards opposing the wind project, think about the friends and neighbors who have always been generous to the Town of Barre and its residents who want to see this project happen.
Mathes Farms and VanLieshout Farms