150 kids in Lyndonville hunt for 2,000 Easter eggs

Posted 6 April 2023 at 7:35 am

Photos courtesy of Lyndonville Lions Club: The Easter Bunny meets with Carla Woodworth. Lions Club members Wes Bradley and Nicole Spohr have hot dogs ready.

Press Release, Lyndonville Lions Club

LYNDONVILLE – The Lyndonville United Methodist Church and the Lions Club teamed for a celebration on Saturday for an Easter Egg Hunt and hot dog roast.

The Easter Egg Hunt has been a long-standing tradition for the church. This event was originally started by the Reverend Jennifer Green in the early 1990s and has continued for the last 30 years under the direction of Reverend Tim Schultz and the United Methodist Christian Woman’s Group.

The Lyndonville Lions have been involved in this event for over 15 years providing the hot dogs and refreshments. Lyndonville Lions member John Belson has been a longtime participant and stated that  “it was nice to see the event return to its usual form after the lifting of Covid restrictions that have played a role the last two years.”

Over 2,000 Easter eggs were filled with candy, prizes and Christian-based messages that reveal the true meaning of Easter. The eggs were then hidden in a maze erected by the church congregation in the high school gymnasium.

Over 150 children searched for the eggs and the Easter Bunny also made a special guest appearance.  At the culmination of the Easter Egg Hunt, parents and children were treated to over 200 grilled hot dogs and beverages supplied by the Lyndonville Lions Club.

Carla Woodworth, who is one of the many church member participants, stated: “The collaboration between the church and Lions Club has made this event very popular in the community and well attended.”

The Orleans Sheriff’s Department provided child car seat checks and photo registration of children at no cost. This information is held at the Orleans County Sheriff’s Department and can be used to find missing children. Sheriff Chris Bourke stressed the importance of these two services and how they improve children’s safety here in Orleans County.

The Lyndonville United Methodist Church and the Lyndonville Lions Club would like to thank those people that attended this year’s event. Both organizations extend their wishes for a joyous holiday season and a Happy Easter.