120 graduates from Albion urged to keep small-town values
Photos by Tom Rivers
ALBION – Chanyce Powell smiles after receiving her diploma from Board of Education President Margy Brown during the 139th annual commencement at Albion High School this evening.
Powell was one of 120 graduates at Albion, which celebrated the graduation in the high school gym.
Tessa Pollock heads to the stage to receive her diploma.
Emily Blanchard gave two speeches during commencement – one as class president and a second for being the class valedictorian. She said the class of 120 developed close friendships and supported each other while showing lots of school spirit.
She urged her classmates to turn their dreams into action. The classmates are all likely feeling some uncertainty as they leave high school, but Blanchard said they are well grounded from their small-town values. She thanked the teachers, administrators, staff and the students’ parents for instilling strong values in the class.
Joe Madejski, the class salutatorian, congratulated Blanchard for putting in the hard work to be valedictorian. Madejski used humor in his speech. He urged his classmates to laugh and be optimistic in their lives.
Seniors in the chorus sing, “For Good” after they led the crowd in singing the National Anthem.
Vivian Rivers, class vice president, stands at attention with members of the Board of Education during the National Anthem.
Connor Zicari heads up to get his diploma.
Friends and family of graduates line up to take pictures of graduates as they receive their diplomas.
Kory Reynolds hugs Morgan Aina, the little sister of his friend and fellow graduate, Blake Aina.
Tyler Nashburn heads to the stage for his diploma.