11 kids shop with a cop at Albion Walmart

By Tom Rivers, Editor Posted 9 December 2023 at 4:11 pm

Photos by Tom Rivers

ALBION – David Horn, 7, of Medina and his mother Lynn look for a toy police car as part of this morning’s “Shop with a Cop” at the Albion Walmart. Rob Riemer, a chief deputy with the Orleans County Sheriff’s Office, joined the mother and son while they shopped.

This was the fifth time Walmart hosted  “Shop with a Cop” in the Albion store. Walmart contributed a $4,000 grant to the Sheriff’s Office for the program that paired Sheriff’s employees with children and their families. The kids pick out items to help their families or be given as gifts for a family member.

Some of the kids made it their first priority to get a gift for a sibling or a parent. Each kid had about $350 to work with.

Chief Deputy Rob Riemer and David Horn pose for a photo in the store. Riemer said David was very excited and happy to be able to get the gifts fr his family.

David’s mother has been out of work with a medical condition. She said she appreciates the gifts for the family’s holiday celebration.

Lt. Steve Fox goes shopping with 10-year-old Brandon Kalpin of Albion.

Fox said Brandon had a good system to spread out the gifts for people he cares about.

Provided photo: This group includes some of the kids and members of the Sheriff’s Office, as well as some Walmart leaders. The Orleans County Office of Child and Family Services assists in the event. Jeannine Larkin, who helps coordinate the effort, said they try to have different kids for “Shop with a Cop” each year.