New map on locally produced foods now available
Photos by Kristina Gabalski-Blueberries and cherries currently are available at Hurd Orchards on Ridge Road in Holley. The new Orleans County Food Map makes it easy for consumers to find where and when local fruits and vegetables are available.
A new brochure featuring an Orleans County Local Foods Map makes it easy for consumers to find locally grown fruits and vegetables as well as information on when harvest of local produce takes place.
The map was created by the Orleans County Department of Planning and Development in conjunction with the Orleans County Tourism Department.
Sarah Gatti, a planner for the county, says she was inspired with the idea by a similar project in Herkimer County which she discovered while on a camping trip.
In order to determine what information would be most important to include, “I thought about as a consumer, what I would find most helpful,” Gatti says.
The map of 24 producers and farm/produce markets and roadside stands in Orleans County includes the producer’s name and address, the hours of operation and what produce, products and activities each specializes in.
Additionally, the brochure includes a harvest calendar which runs from May through December, agri-tourism points of interest, including the Orleans County Produce Auction in Albion and the 4-H Fair, and four wineries.
Gatti says she began compiling information with help from the Orleans County Farm Bureau, which provided a list of producers.
She went on growers’ various websites, emailed and called them to gather the details she needed.
“The growers are excited” about the map, she says. “Most people think it’s a great idea.”
The Planning Department encourages community members to eat local for the freshest food options and to support local agriculture and the local economy.
Additionally, since local foods are not transported over long distances, they are a more “green” option, officials say.
An interactive version of the map is available on the Orleans County Tourism or the Planning’s Department webpage. Click here to see the guide.
Gatti says the page will be updated throughout the year.
Hurd Orchards on Ridge Rd. in Holley is a 200-year-old family-owned fruit farm, among 24 producers on the new Orleans County Local Foods Map.
The map is also available in PDF format online so that it can be downloaded and printed at home.
The map/brochure is available in the foyer of the Orleans County Administration Building, the Canal Village Farmers Market in Medina, and Gatti says she is currently working to distribute them to each of the producers included on the map.